Our mission as non-profit organization with a 501c3 status is to promote leadership, personal growth and professional development for youth, women and underserved populations. This mission is achieved through mentorship, education and community outreach. Learn more about what we do as a Hispanic Professional Business Women's Organization.
Discover our events directed to empowering women. HAPBWA Foundation is committed to creating community-focused education for women to educate and inspire them towards a better and brighter future for themselves and their communities.
Meet our new Board of Directors. The HAPBWA Foundation's Board of Directors is a diverse group of professional women from various generations, united in their mission to promote the development of Hispanic American women in Central Florida and beyond. With the help of the internet, their impact now extends worldwide.
Join our cause and make a difference in the lives of Hispanic American professional and business women. Become a volunteer, sponsor, or supporter of the HAPBWA Foundation today, and help us empower and elevate women in their careers and personal lives.
The Documentary Of Our Story